The CDAN has opened the registration period for its course on ‘Landscape and Thought’, which will be held 26-30 June in morning and afternoon sessions. The registration period will remain open until 12 June. Primary and secondary school teachers will receive academic and administrative recognition for completing the course.
Students enrolled in postgraduate university programmes will obtain three credits from the Department of Art History of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of Zaragoza.
The total course fee of 200 euros covers attendance of sessions, documentation, and a certificate of attendance. The course is directed by Javier Maderuelo, and the following professors will be participating: Miguel Aguiló, Augustín Berque, Jean-Marc Besse, Antonio Gómez Sal, Simón Marchan Fiz, Anne Cauquelín, Eduardo Martinez de Pisón, Raffaele Milani, Nicolás Ortega Cantero and Delfín Rodríguez.